Saturday, July 21, 2007


( Tansu KÜÇÜKÖNCÜ ( in Turkish alphabet ) )



Survey by Tansu KUCUKONCU

Before National Socialists goverment, Germany, especially in theoretical

physics, was the number one in the world.

Nazis gradually applied their nationalist asimilation politics in science,

too. They wanted to constitute a national physics.

The biggest problem of the scientists is to save their scientific auto-

nomy. Most of them are apolitic.

There are two kind of intervention to science. One is to send unwanted

scientists away. The second is to re-establish all the standarts and the com-

ments of the discipline. This one which was tried to be applied by ideologs

was failed.

The send-away program of Nazis for Jewish people was not clear at first.

Academicians could not be hindered completely because of artificial legality

of Nazi laws. But struggling with this using legal ways didn't give a succes-

ful result.

Due to the fame of German universities, immigration of German scientists

(especially physcists) was easier than other people in the country.

Leader scientists, i.e. Planck, Von Laue, Sommerfeld, who didn't be af-

fected much from the applications, tried to keep their communities together.

They wanted to protect the international fame of science in Germany. Their

thought was that 'Nazis are temporary, but science is permanent, so its

continuity must be preserved'. Their efforts are not completely rejected

by the governors. Some non-Jewish scientists were sent away with Jewishs,

but some Jewish scientists, i.e Hertz and Meitner, were not be touched. They

continued their studies.

Inspite of everything, losses in qualified scientists reached up to

% 25. Losses in potentially qualified scientists is another story. Most of

these % 25 were at the top of theoretical physics in the world. Worse thing

was that most of them went to rival countries. Most of them went to U.S.

They studied in Manhattan project. These % 25 played the most important and

effective role in completion of atom bomb very much earlier than Germans'.

Moreover the start to Manhattan project was given by Einstein.

Scientists especially tried to use governers to take support for the

subjects which they deal with.

The cause of failure of German atom energy project was that Nazi econo-

mic politics was not support long-term projects. Another reason was that

the leader theoricians didn't know well how the projects could be applied

in industry. And Germany's lack was that there were not good experimentalists

who would complete the effects of theoricians. Their high level self-trust

in their science was another disadventage. They believed that they were the

best. If they couldn't do something, nobody couldn't do it.

Sent-away of lots of perfect physicists and making the conditions worse

than before for the rest (internentions of goverment to the universities,

national physics story) were factors for worsening of physics in Germany.

But the most important and effective factor was that after the creative ac-

tivity explosian in theory before 1930, experiments should be primary and

theory should become in regression. But the succes of theory obscured ex-

periment. Therefore physics in Germany was deprived of experimental equip-

ments which were necessary for international competion. Nazis worsened the

situation which was getting worsen.

dilar. Fizik alaninda ideolojik dogrunun ne oldugunu belirlemede goster-

dikleri duraksama da kotuydu.Ari fizik hareketi fizikciler tarafindan

politik bir hareket, politikacilar tarafindan ise bilimsel bir hareket

olarak goruluyordu. Bu da basarisizligin bir nedeniydi.

Nazi leadres didn't have any knowledge about the academic physics. They

didn't give much importance to bad situation created by sent-away politics

applied in science.

Ari fizik hareketi alm.nin dunya fiziginde konumunu guclendirmeye yonelik

bir caba olacak yerde alm.nin 20. yy fizigine sagladigi hayranlik verici

katkilarin yadsinmasini temsil ediyordu. Bunda ideologlarinin lenard ve

stark isimli basarisiz iki fizikci olusunun etkisi de buyuktu. Gorecelik

kurami ve quantum mekanigini reddediyorlardi. Kendi aralarinda da anlas-

mazlik vardi. Tek anlastiklari fizige irkciligin sokulmasiydi. Bilimsel

yonetimde bilgiyi degil ideolojiyi on plana cikarmaya calisiyorlardi.

Eger bilimsel basarinin standartlari, esasta ayni degerleri paylasan ye-

tenekli bir gurup tarafindan ve yalnizca bu gurup tarafindan denetlenmezse,

daima birden cok gercek varolabilecekti. (dogal olarak da alm. gerceginin

yahudi gerceginden ustun oldugu dusunuluyordu.

Nazi kuramina meslek planinda karsi cikis, Nazi rejimine politik muhalefetle

ayni sey degildi. Yonetimde bunu farkedebilecek insanlarin olmasi ari fizik-

cilerin kostegiydi.

ulkede kalan Bilim adamlarinin yeterince guclu bir tepki gostermeyislerine

gelince. Bu bilim adamlarinin poltik korkaklar defgil fakat politik

kahraman olmayi bilmeyen kisiler olduklari.. Ileride ulke icin bir umit

isigi olabilmek icin de hayatta kalmalari gerektigi.

Ozellikle teorik fizikcilerin en buyuk kayibi, politik guclerinin olmayi-

siydi. Diger meslek guruplari (eng., applied physic. ..) calismalrinin

ekonomik ya da savasla ilgili onemine dikkati cekebilyorlardi. Atom

fizigi ise pratik sorunlardan cok bilim kurguya ya da felsefeye yakin bir

konu oolarak goruluyordu.

Hitler'in Planck'a sozu ' o halde biz de birkac yil bilimsiz yapariz'

Almanyada yaygin olan toplumsal gorus 'yaracilik'. Bir seye karsi cikista

bile bir yara olmali. Yapilacak bir is yarar saglamayacaksa yapilmamalidir.

Hitler'in iktidara gelisinde de nazilerin gucunden cok halktaki yaygin bu

pasif gorusun etkin oldugu iddia edilmektedir. Nazi doneminde bilim adam-

larinin tepkisi de..

Icerde kalip da direnis gosterebilen bilim adamlarinin sayisinin son dere-

cede az olusunda amaclari olan meslkei ozerklik kapsaminda direnisin olma-


German physicists, to preserve their autonomy against national socio-

logists, defended the idea that their studies are not related to politics.

But at the same time, to get economical support for their studies, they

defended how much their studies are important for the war. They lived some


Scientists lived under Hitler didn't understand that profecional physics

could be kept far from politics not with the power of its defenders, but with

weaknesses and political insufficiency of those which attacks against it.

It must not be forgetten that, even that results of their efforts changed

the world, the same pressure, applied to other people, was applied to them

and they showed the same weaknesses.